Sabado, Pebrero 14, 2015

GO CART RACING - Life Sharing

GO CART RACING - Life Sharing.

While on go cart racing suite, i felt like i am Michael Schumacher, the 7 time F1 Champion.  By the way Mr. Schumacher as we know is gradually reaching for recovery after having severe head injury way back December 2013 while skiing at French Alps. Good news for His fans worldwide. 

Back to our business here, i feel comfortable wearing the suite.  I could see myself as well like one of those astronauts suite in red from the movie of Bruce Willis "Armageddon" I am on a mission to save earth from the destructive Huge asteroid about to hit the planet, and while on our way to our rocket the music of Aerosmith is playing in the background "I don't want to miss a Thing".  Dream on! not bad, afterall someone told me i looked like more of a power ranger than what i have thinked.  But guess what, we enjoyed the day and once again my only purpose is to learn something new, not the game itself but the nature of game comparing to real life.  As usual, you have to wear the right sport gear for racing, the helmet is very important, you have to listen to the rules, otherwise you would be penalized.  There were flag signals that we need to follow each color has its own meaning, like slowing down, changing driver, stop, one more lap, and so on so forth, you need to follow those signals or you will be in trouble.  

Racers are positioned, we are just waiting for the green light...and GO! wow, so everyone starts fast and driving fast, in less than 1 minute there is collision and one more. The car spins around, and still accelerating fast, maybe The driver forgot to step on the break. We need to be calm and be focus, we need to be more attentive each time as we are passing by each mark. I myself, i am thinking about time, i wanted to drive fast and finish the race strong but i don't want to be reckless and got hit or to be hit, i am aware that we are almost not professionals here so the danger of hurting one another is most likely imminent. So as the race progresses, i decided to play it safe while abiding the rules and signals, i finished my turn as the flag waves to change driver, its time for my team mate to take the driver seat.  I told him, give your best bro, but be careful. Goodluck. 

So, as you can see i just make this simple and short, just to let you know, while on the race for atleast 5 laps, I've seen and learned many things. I learned that racing for beginners like us is not just about starting strong or fast, its about going intelligently, because from that point you will understand there were things you need to consider, we all want to win but if i am going to hurt myself or hurt others just to get to finish line? i won't do it. Ofcourse professional racer does because it takes them a lot of experience and practice, they already know how to act at any given situation while on race, these are all professionals and yet not all of them will win, you have the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st place but there is only one legitimate winner, the one who reached the finish line first, with a lesser time recorded.  The secret of winning? other than practicing and skills, experience plays a big factor on this competition along with discipline and right motivation. 

Back to reality, we are in a life journey that we need to take on seriously. We have goals and dreams that we are striving to reach and accomplished. We can see what the world is offering from the horizon and we believe that we can reach for it no matter what, because this is your dream, this is everybody's dream.  At one point in your life you told yourself, i need to start now, i need to press on towards the mark, i need to cross the finish line, blah blah blah. There is nothing wrong of having a dream when you are gradually reaching for it in a nice and fair way, inch by inch you will still reach everything you dreamed of when you have the right perspective in life, right discipline and self respect? why do i mention self respect? because when it comes to dream? most of us wants to take it or reach for it in a harsh way, obsessions comes, selfishness because you don' t care for others, you will do it on your own terms on your own rules by stepping to others until you reach the peak of your dream, even if it would cause them their lives.  You will still press on the gas of your desire, nobody could stop your way coz they will be sorry and got hit, you are not following any rules in life or signals, Everything that you are doing now is immorality. 

Fast forward. You already achieved your goal and reached the finish line of your dreams? whats next? Are you proud of yourself? Is your family proud of you? your sons and daughters? your whole family, friends? Is this the dream you want to let them live? You know what the problem is? turn your head back, did you see those car wrecked? bodies lying on the ground when you hit them until they are lifeless? Un-literally, the car wrecked are the families that you destroyed when you deprived them to run their life and live. you took everything that supposed to be for them, even the food that they will swallow once a week, not once a day, hey! you did took and feed your self. How about the bodies lying on the ground? these are the people that you pulled down, fabricating stories, destroying their reputation and dignity while you are reaching the top. This is an excellent demolition job. 

Friends, and blog sharing readers.  Everybody wants to fulfill their dreams.  The points that we shared here is very common wherein there is no need for any argument, this is the society, the world that we are living nowadays.  I salute those persons who did conquer the race of their life, the finish line where the prize awaits them, they have reached the top without inflicting any moral damage to others and to his/her own. Obviously when you hurt others, you are hurting yourself as well. when you destroy others, you are destroying yourself, this is what human collision is all about. 

When we finished the go cart race, i could tell you that i made the right decision, i did not push myself fast to the point of running all over them but i settled reaching the finish line safe and fair.   

And hey!  listen... I do know who really wins the race, I even talk to that guy, even the record shows that He is, but you know what? when the name of the winner announced?  He didn't win. The reason?  I don't know either, the only thing that i am sure is that the declared winner should not be the winner, so what went wrong? the clue... ( read this blogsharing again).  :)

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