Biyernes, Pebrero 13, 2015



Every February 14 we are celebrating hearts day! This celebration reminds us about love, love and love.
For me, the celebration should not only be intended for couples (Husband and Wife or Boyfriend and Girlfriend). There is something more that we need to recognize and expressed the true meaning of the occasion.  Love life or family wise. Think what you could possibly associate with this once a year special occasion.  For most couples this is the time to express more love to his/her partner, and hey! This time is also a chance to court someone we like especially for us boys we intend to give the best possible gift to impress the woman that we like and love.  We gave bouquet of flowers, chocolates, we go out for a romantic dinner date, we make surprises eventhough we dont have enough money, for sure we will find solution right guys? Hehehe. Ano ginagawa ng sanlaan? At bumbay???  How about serenading the woman with a song/music the woman that we love? How sweet and cheesy!!!! Is this still existing nowadays? I love to hear the story of our grandparents, they may have the best love story I could tell you.

I really dont know how I could deliver this hearts day edition blogsharing.  I am mentally tired but not mentally retarded, just to make it clear huh. Hahaha.  Lets just be reminded everyone that love is a universal language which is easy to understand and I want to emphasize the meaning of celebration in a more appealing yet natural sense. There is a saying...You can give without love, but you cannot love without giving Isnt true? This is self explanatory right? One more, love means sacrifices. I remember one part of the song lyrics that says When you love someone you gotta learn to let him/her go? I love you goodbye? Sacrifices right? So what does these means? Eventhough it will cause a lot from us, whether it is emotional, physical or financial name it we will do for the sake of love.  In the family our parents expressed how they loved us from the time we were born until the time you are reading this now, they made enormous sacrifices to raise us and give us better life, they loved us more than their life so to speak.  There were times that they are physically sick and tired but they cannot afford to stop because they loved us. Now, did you already greet your Mom and Dad happy hearts day and told them how much you love them? Its not by material things but the best thing you could give them is yourself.  We like it or not, time will come that they will not be with us anymore, dont let it slip away and let them feel they are loved more than things of this world.  While you are reading now, regardless of which part of this world you are living, you may have a natural questions or argument such as How could I do that when I belong to a broken family? Or I hate my father or mother coz they leave me, they dont love me at all etc etc..Well this may be the time to make things correct because love means forgiveness and restoration.  Pride should not co-exist with love, you will not understand and feel the real meaning of love when you are blinded by hate and pride.  Give it up and start a new day to express your love for them not tomorrow but today, because as I always say Today Matters.  As you can see the celebration is not only about some cheesy moments from the woman that you like, from your wife of husband to rekindle first love, dont get me wrong there is nothing wrong with this and this is a part of it.  I am only sharing the other side of the love story which should not be one sided but side by side. Oh! One more thing that I want to share with you and this is best of the best! You know what is Agape love? Yes. This is a greek term which means Godly love a very unique love.  Read your bible in John 15:13.   I will not write it here anymore so that you could have an effort to open your bible, as you can see it is dusty, when was the last time you opened it? And when was the last time you opened your cp message inbox? I could tell you when you open your bible and start learning the word, your life will never be the same and you will understand what is the real meaning of hearts day celebration, the real meaning of LOVE. GOD LOVES YOU and HAPPY HEARTS DAY EVERYONE J

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