Biyernes, Pebrero 20, 2015



Finally the super mega bout between Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao will take place on May 2 at MGM Grand in Las Vegas. After years of failed negotiation, we can now witness the richest boxing event the world has been waiting for, they consider this as the superbowl of boxing. Two giants will collide on this highly anticipated, most lucrative boxing event about to unfold on our very own eyes. For boxing enthusiast, this is history in the making. FYI, can you believe? after Floyd announced their fight, in just 15 minutes tickets were sold! and even the rooms at MGM Grand in just 3 minutes are fully booked. This is huge, after all it takes a lot of agreement to make this fight a reality, split of the purse, gloves to be use, PPV buy sharing, network joint coverage from HBO and Showtime, random drug testing, name it, it has been settled and signed by both parties. Let me do now the famous boxing catchphrase by Michael Buffer... "Lets get ready to Rumble!!!!!!!!!

Lets make a point here one by one, or i mean better we call it round by round.. hmmm sounds great:). These two great competitors in boxing will not be where they are now for nothing, these men possesses exceptional skills, mind and body condition that transcends them into boxing's elite. Make no mistake about it my dear blog readers, this means hardwork, sacrifices and pains to get into best fighting shape they could be. Whatever preparations they have in the training with their coaches will manifest in the ring and obviously the best man wins. We all know that this is 12 rounds of intense boxing, each round these boxing competitors needs to give their best, stay focus and survive vicious onslaught from both sides. They will be hit for sure no matter how great in defense you are, even with that shoulder roll defense of Floyd because manny will be throwing punches in bunches from all angles, you may avoid one of those power shots but its only a matter of time you will surely get hit. Same with the case for Manny in different way, while Manny is a straight forward brawler-puncher with refined skills, Floyd is a defensive-counter puncher genius. He is best in timing, accurate punches and exceptional defense, he will exploit your ring flaws and take advantage of your mistakes and capitalized. Blog readers and friends, these is 12 rounds of survival, they need to stand until they hear the final bell. The one who is standing still and had better performance as seen by judges by their scorecards along with the majority will emerge victorious. 

Life is like a boxing, remember? you need to have all the necessary tools to survive and win your personal battles. You need to have the right coach to teach you how to fight and finish strong, there will be times in our lives we will get knock down, totally exhausted, demotivated etc...but these are all part of the process and your life legacy will not only be measured by flawless win but for every life falls that we bounced back strong. It is not on how many times we failed, everyone of us has failures and nobody is perfect except the ONE up there, Hello my dear LORD goodmorning! almost forgot to say good morning to my LORD, CREATOR and BESTFRIEND :) Okay, lets get back. As iv'e said its not about how many times we fall, its about how many times we stand up from those falls. I do believe everyone of us knew about it, but the problem is most of us does'nt know how to start, whom to be trust and be consistently motivated. 

The good news is, we have our great coach, our awesome mentor, who is always there when we are down, when we are in pain, when we are tired, when we are crying and upset,we just need to listen to His instruction and have discipline, to fully trust Him and let Him totally takes over you life and mine. This is the best of the best to win our life battles. Just like boxing, we need to execute the right strategy as taught by our mentor which is none other than our LORD JESUS CHRIST to be unbeatable like a roaring lion in the desert. Time will come at the end of our life when we are still standing? we will hear the final bell, the final sound that we are all waiting for, i do hope that your name will be called as it is written on the record, not on the scorecards but in the book of life. I don't want to hear any boxing like announcements such as "and the winner by........blah blah. All we need to desire to hear is like as it was written in Matthew 25:23. 

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